How Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) Help You Sleep, Breathe & Live Better
Dr. Martin Hopp MD, ENT
Snoring, restless sleep, waking up still feeling tired – sound familiar? Sleep is a pillar of health & mood, so if a good night's rest is a constant strugglefor you or someone you know, read on - there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Two common sleep breathing issues are obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring (we’ll discuss the differences later). While snoring is often brushed off as funny or annoying, these conditions not only disrupt sleep but can affect health. Fortunately, most people can easily complete a sleep test from the comfort of their own home to determine if it is OSA or snoring.Once diagnosed, treatment options include lifestyle changes, surgery, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs).
MADs are discreet, custom mouthguard-like devices worn during sleep.Considering the alternative treatment options include going under the knife or wearing a mask hooked up to a machine that forces air down yourthroat all night, it’s no surprise that MADs are the preferred treatment option for many. MADs have proven to be an effective solution that has transformed the lives of countless individuals and their bed partners.Many MAD users report sleeping through the night for the first time in ages after just a few nights of use. They also experience increased energy and focus during the day, which enhances their personal relationships and work performance.
How MADs Work
MADs work by gentlyand slightly holding the lower jaw (the mandible) forward. This forward positioning helps to:
- Open the Airway: By advancing the lower jaw, MADs prevent the airway from collapsing, allowing for a more unobstructed airflow.
- Reduce Snoring: The repositioning of the jaw tightens the tissues in the upper airway, reducing the vibrations that cause snoring.
- Improve Oxygen Flow: With a clearer airway, oxygen can flow more efficiently to the lungs, maintainingoptimal blood oxygen levels.
The Effectiveness of MADs
Numerous studies have shown that MADs are highly effective in treating OSA and snoring. Here’show:
- Clinical Success:Studies show that MADs can reduce the severity by 50% or more in many patients.
- Symptom Relief: Patients using MADs report significant improvements in daytime sleepiness, concentration, and overall quality of life.
- Long-term Benefits: Consistent use of MADs has been associated with sustained improvement in sleep quality and a reduction in the health risks associated with untreated OSA, such as hypertension and heart disease.
Why MADs Are Preferred by Many Patients and Bed Partners
- Non-Invasive:No surgery risk & recovery, no mask & machine.MADs are simple, non-invasive, and easy to use.
- Comfort and Convenience: MADs are custom fitted to each person and are less bulky than a traditional sports or night guard. They are also easily portable for travel.
- Quiet and Discreet: MADs do not produce noise, unlike CPAP machines, which can be disruptive. This often makes them a preferred choice for bed partners who might be disturbed by a CPAP machine.
- Ease of Use:There’s no need for power sources or complex maintenance. Cleaning & storing the MAD is simple & easy.
- Better Compliance: Due to their comfort and simplicity, patients are more likely to use MADs consistently, leading to better treatment outcomes.
Understanding OSA and Snoring
It's important to know that while snoring is a common symptom of OSA, not everyone who snores has OSA, and not everyone with OSA snores. To find out if you or your loved one only snoreorhave OSA, it's essential to have a sleep study.
Snoring is often a precursor or symptom of OSA. It occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is partially obstructed, causing the tissues in the throat to vibrate.
OSA is a condition where the muscles in the throat relax excessively during sleep, causing the airway to narrow or close completely. This interruption in breathing can last for several seconds to minutes and occur multiple times an hour. The result includes fragmented sleep and lower oxygen levels in the blood, leading to daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased risk of cardiovascular issues (just to mention a few).
These days, getting a sleep study is easy and convenient, so there's no reason not to get one.MADs offer a practical, effective, and convenient solution for OSA and snoring by reducing or eliminating snoring and episodes of non-breathing leading to better sleep, breathing easier, and better overall health & mood. If you or your bed partner are struggling with sleep-disordered breathing, embrace the possibility of restful nights and energized days with MAD therapy.